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Barrett report July 15th

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2023 3:31 pm
by Early release
Hello all,

Saturday was a nice day at Barrett. Sometimes I think it's easy to forget how amazing our world is and our sport gives us some interesting perspectives I'd think. Here's the morning, and it's possibilities.
Now for the details; Got on the water by 0435. Pedaled over to Hauser and got first fish at 0515. Day once again started a little slow. I'm focusing on topwater mostly and I think my casting in the dark is questionable. Sun came out and so did the fish. Water temp in the early AM was 78 and the high when I was going in, it got to 83. Wind came up at around 11AM and might have been 15kts. It was very steady coming around the corner at Hauser and heading to Pigs. Friend suggested Whopper Ploppers were good for him last week. That was a great call, thanks, Danny. Final tally on Whopper Plopper was 10 decent fish. 7 popper fish, 1 crazy crawler type lure and 2 jerkbait fish. Also got 2 bluegill, one on a popper and one on a jerkbait. Off of the water at 1200. Average fish was about 2 pounds, big fish was 3 pounds 12 ounces. Smallest was 12 ounces, maybe this year's model, certainly looked healthy, committed to a large lure too.

Re: Barrett report July 15th

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2023 3:46 pm
by 619bassin
Nice work Dave!!

Re: Barrett report July 15th

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2023 11:44 pm
by Jc153fishing
Yes sir 😎 nice break down 👍🏼

Re: Barrett report July 15th

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2023 12:34 pm
by bendopolo 44+
Great Job, proof good deeds provide great results!