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Can you believe it? San Vicente Jun 5th

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2023 3:35 pm
by Fishbreath
Hard to believe that today was my first time out this year. After going my whole life with excellent health, things have gone from bad to since I turned eighty. I really wanted to get out, actually I needed to get out. I got my boat out of mothballs and found that my trolling motor wasn't working. I thought no problem, it might be relaxing to just sit on anchor and see if a fish could find me. I set the bar low, thinking one or maybe two nice ones would be fine.
As it turned out, I could have set the bar a little higher. The first fish was an almost 12" bluegill and the second was a 13" redear (2lbs 2oz).
Jun 5th 6.jpg
Jun 5th 1.jpg
Jun 5th 2.jpg
Jun 5th 3.jpg
Jun 5th 7.jpg
I wound up with 16, mostly nice ones, all on the same anchor drop. I brought home enough for several meals. We haven't had any all year, and the way things are going, today could be my only trip

Re: Can you believe it? San Vicente Jun 5th

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2023 4:07 pm
by Stringbean
Very nice,
You haven't missed a beat, a master angler.
They are beauties , and some nice meals to look forward too.

Thank you for sharing

Re: Can you believe it? San Vicente Jun 5th

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2023 8:08 pm
by Pourboy
Great job out there! Sounds like a great day.

Re: Can you believe it? San Vicente Jun 5th

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2023 7:45 am
by Str8t Slabaronies
Nice Job out there Larry! They have been expecting you Sir!

Re: Can you believe it? San Vicente Jun 5th

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2023 10:10 am
by jjbasser
Same here Larry, since turning 75, things have definitely become more difficult getting out there. I tell myself I got to get out, but the yucky weather isn't helping!! Nor is the ugly water.
Glad you got out. Going to try myself tomorrow.

Re: Can you believe it? San Vicente Jun 5th

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2023 9:32 pm
by Mcfish
I was starting to worry, I hadn't seen you out at San V this season! I asked a couple friends and no sign of you! Glad to see you could make it out there and continue hammering those gills!

Re: Can you believe it? San Vicente Jun 5th

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2023 1:51 pm
by kirkboat
I just turned 82 and lucky for me I can still float tube once or twice a week. Exercise exercise exercise..Keep pushing yourself. I hope you get many trips in this year and next.

Re: Can you believe it? San Vicente Jun 5th

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2023 10:12 pm
by Fisheromen
Amazing! Where did you get that old wooden ruler! 😁 Really nice fish Larry! Praying for you and your wife!