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by admin
Mon Apr 10, 2023 9:58 pm
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Re: Nice having the site back!

Looking forward to another year of fly fishing reports! Hopefully we can figure out the picture attachment deal - does not work like it used to. Been a slow start to the year with all the cold weather, but it is just starting to pick up here in the lakes and bays. SDFF is going to meet at Bay Park ...
by bassman
Fri Apr 14, 2023 6:36 pm
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Re: New topic suggestion

Baja_Traveler wrote: Fri Apr 14, 2023 6:09 pm I think definitely salt water section - how about “Baja and Points South”?
Added. What would be a good description for this forum?
by Slater
Sat Apr 15, 2023 6:41 am
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Re: Welcome to the Baja Forum!

Good times.....
by camobass
Sat Apr 15, 2023 8:05 am
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Re: Welcome to the Baja Forum!

That’s a good sized Baja rooster. I never knew how big they got until I went to costa
by Eg3210
Mon Apr 17, 2023 3:19 pm
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San Felipe 4/2023

Don't know if I missed it or if this is new. But a Baja forum is cool, so guess I'll post a report of my recent trip to San Felipe on the northern tip of the Gulf of CA. Went for a family trip where family was the emphasis, I was able to sneak away for at least one high tide each day, but was restri...
by galen
Sun Apr 30, 2023 9:01 pm
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San Jose Del Cabo 4/15

Just saw this forum, cool. Was down at Cabo Azul in San Jose over Spring Break. Took the kids this time. Fished two days. First day sucked for fishing but the kids were champs and we saw a grip of whales which was cool. Second day I went Out with just my father-in- law. I got 5 bonito, fun on the ji...
by KamWalsh
Mon May 08, 2023 10:43 am
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North Gonzaga and Loreto

I'm going to be moving to New England this fall. With only a few remaining months in SD, I knew that the one thing I absolutely had to do was fish Baja proper. I went once to Gonzaga with a couple friends on a road trip, and two weeks later went with my dad to Loreto via plane. Both trips were great...
by camobass
Sat May 13, 2023 9:06 am
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Re: OK - Who wants to fly fish Barrett next Friday??

Shorter window of fishing, didn’t get to explore too far on the tubes. Heard a guy killed it back in hauser. Wife and I made our way around the point going into pine by the old barge. Had good success on the Alabama rig and dingers deep in the flooded brush. It was slow until the breeze picked up. B...
by Early release
Sat May 13, 2023 11:12 am
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Re: OK - Who wants to fly fish Barrett next Friday??

I might have been that guy in Hauser. I heard someone else was doing great on Flukes, so I might not have been that guy, also. I started out over by Wilson creek and had some success, but no pattern at all. I pedaled over to the inlet of Hauser, and caught a couple on dropshotted roboworms, but stil...
by camobass
Sat May 13, 2023 2:25 pm
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Re: OK - Who wants to fly fish Barrett next Friday??

Yeah, fish were really tight.On the shallow points, I observed bass stocking blue gill and baby bass. Observed some deeper bed fish. Water is pretty clear in the main lake. There are definitely wolf packs in open water crushing Shad. My wife got a few casting out deep on drop shot in the wolf packs ...
by camobass
Sat May 13, 2023 2:27 pm
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Re: OK - Who wants to fly fish Barrett next Friday??

Thanks again to the fly fishing club for the invite
by jpm
Sun Jul 02, 2023 5:13 pm
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bahia de la

went with a group of 13 guys last week to bahia de la. one group of 6 people left sat, our group 0f 7 people left monday. we left at 6am got to bahia at 3:30. weet with other group at our hotel and got the scoop what was happening. needed 5 circle hooks and 80 lb leaders as the yellowtail were angry...
by Joshmo62
Sat Jan 13, 2024 12:44 pm
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Coronado Surf Fly Fishing

Hit up the surf this morning at Coronado with my 8 weight and 300 grain full sink line. Caught a large guitar fish that took me into my backing and also 3 perch. It was cold and the bite died when the tide started coming in too high. Got a burrito at my favorite breakfast burrito place on the way ho...